+++ Registration and payment by October 31st +++
27-28 Nov 2023 Nice (France)

Registration > Fees

Registration is now open and mandatory for all partecipants.


Here is the two-step procedure:


  1. Register on the website: https://iamaha.sciencesconf.org/
  2. Proceed with online payment on the website: Azur-Colloque


Registration and payment can be done separately, BUT everything must be finalized by September 29th at the latest. Post-September 29th: increased costs.



Early-bird fees (before September 29th) :

  • Reduced (Master and PhD students) : 80
  • Full : 150


Regular fees (after September 29th until October 31st) :

  • Reduced (Master and PhD students) : 100
  • Full : 200




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